Afghan fox
12:32 PM // 0 comments // blog M Z // Category: Information //- Afghan fox
Afghan fox, and other names Blandford fox, fox rabies, fox, sober, and steppe fox, Fox resides in the small size of some areas in the Middle East and likely presence in the other. Knows that Afghan fox spread from Israel to Afghanistan, through Iran, Pakistan, Turkestan, Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia, and believed that the different populations in these countries, separate from each other does not come into contact with Between them. Some scientists assume that these foxes home to more of a habitat known to include the These countries Eritrea, Sudan, Egypt, and Yemen.
Foxes live in the Afghan steppe and semi-arid mountains, which prefer to live in areas with rugged Cliffs and rocky slopes and valleys, and it was thought to Previous avoid low-lying areas warm As the colder areas of high, but it has been seen near the Dead Sea in Palestine, where Appeared to be living in agricultural areas for the cultivation of some types of fruit such as melons, Albesal Alosla Russian, and smokeless grape seeds.
Can be found even foxes Afghan altitude of 2000 meters (6560 feet), and it seems that the most important aspects that Should be present at the residence of these animals is the dry banks of the tables because the large stones which provide The foxes Gehora to raise their young during the season of birth.
Featuring foxes from other traditions that some cats like habits (such as the habit of climbing trees To escape from any danger), and even some form resembles the form of small cats, and other habits such as Vmmathlh breeding habits of foxes to the other (single-mating, only one partner during her lifetime).
Most of the information on the habits and behavior of these animals were obtained from studies conducted in Israel, still must obtain extensive information on the habits of the fox Afghanistan in other countries Nearby, in addition to further understanding of the risks it faces in the eastern part of the home, which may Encourage those countries to increase or impose on the protection of this unique type of foxes.
Afghan fox-sized small animal with large ears and long bushy tail, and weight of these animals ranged between 1.5 and 3 kg, with the length of her body from head to tail to between 70 and 90 centimeters. Similar to both male and female in shape, slender snout, where the movements and shape to those Vhbahh For cats, and the color of this fox black or brown or gray or even sometimes piebald, and be Sides lighter in color than the back that holds a black line along its length, while the bottom side Vocefr color, as And the tip of the tail usually dark but can be white in color. Are lists of male front And their bodies larger than those for females, including rate ranging from 3 to 6%
Foxes mate during the Afghan month of December to February, the animals only a single mating partner Single all her life. Pregnancy lasts from 50 to 60 days after giving birth to a female puppy Batna consists of one To 3 as a result, the young nurse for between 30 and 45 days and remain dependent on her mother until they are able to Find their food by themselves. And young generated is partially completed in the hole where the isolated and immune to grow under Maternal care, and in this kind of male foxes may help to raise young female partner (and has been viewed Alzk T he flirts with puppies in some cases), albeit by just a defense of Haouz, who believes Adequacy of its prey and to prevent foxes from entering the other, due to the major reason is that these Foxes rarely unilateral mating with the breeding territory intersects with the possession of other foxes.
Remain small in the region where I was born until October or November of the same year, and has a long life These animals between 4 to 5 years and not exceed 10 years in the wilderness, never as most of them spend Of natural causes disability and the most important rabies.
Afghan and foxes his continent animals (eating everything) feed on insects and fruit whole, and include Tridtha different types of insects such as beetles, locusts, grasshoppers, ants, termites, and And eat different kinds of wild fruit, has emerged from the analysis that took place on one of the samples of feces That 10% of the diet consists of plant sources, known in Pakistan as eat some crops Agricultural, such as watermelon, grapes and Russian olive.
Afghan foxes tend to hunt alone most of the time, and even couples which tend to seek each For food separately, and rarely stored food. These animals do not need to drink often, but you get The need of water from the juices you get from food.
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