12:27 PM // 0 comments // blog M Z // Category: Information //OhjaralmangerovDefined:Mangrove trees (the Crimea, Shora, Alguendl, neighbor) is a group of halophytesUnique and typical, where a special pattern of the evergreen trees growing in areasTropical and subtropical regions and between the tides and water systems in salty or brackish.Because of the growth of mangrove trees in areas that are similar to shallow swamps where the soilPoor ventilation and water-saturated and rich remnants Althllah increase the proportion of carbon dioxide resulting from theDecomposition of organic material and the roots of this plant Atjd adequacy of the oxygen needed for breathing are growing fromThe lower parts of the plant (which is the market Rizumih that exist under the surface and submergedWater), the roots tend to respiratory INCIDENTAL declaration against gravity to be not from the direction to the bottomAnd appear above ground Xiqan developing with a few long Sntimatrut even half a meter andIn a large area around the plant tissues contain spaces as wide as spread on the surfaceAdissat in large holes is a respiratory-like lenses work on the exchange of gases and reachSpaces are aerobic atmosphere that permeates the tissue occurs when the internal walls of the islands(Low level of sea water) and exposed the roots exposed to air and passes air from the ventsAir and carries air to the air immediately. Living these trees in the front part of the coastSeas, oceans and estuaries located in the tropical and tropical inter-tropicalCancer and Capricorn, where high temperatures. Soil of this part of the coast, which growMangrove trees by a flat covered with water either as permanent or at times of high tide.The bays and harbors and river deltas and islands nearby or adjacent to the coast where the environmentalAppropriate for the growth and proliferation of mangrove trees where the soil is rich in organic matter and the remains of plantsDecomposed and has a foul odor is difficult for the human walk on it because of the viscosity.Include mangrove trees about 16 genera and 55 species belonging to the faction of vegetable variety11 platoon) and often are similar in characteristics and physiological and environmental needs of different forms)Depending on temperature, humidity, soil type and degree of salinity in which there are. And tableThe following shows the types of mangrove species
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