1:52 PM // 0 comments // blog M Z // Category: Information //sugar-cane
Sugar cane plant genus of grassy species, comprising six to 37 species (the number varies according to the taxonomic system used). A tropical plant, which is the main source for the extraction of sugar, while the other source is sugar beet. Requires the cultivation of fertile land, water and many remain in the ground for a whole year, and the sugar factories in the center of the sugar cane fields. Used the remains of the reeds after his time in the manufacture of alcohol.
[Scientific classification]
Namespace: eukaryotesKingdom: PlantsDivision: seed dispersalCommunity: Ahadiat falaqaTitle: Cereal PoalesFamily: Poaceae grassyFamily: PanicoideaeTribe: AndropogoneaeGender: sugar cane Saccharum
[Habitat and proliferation]
The South and Southeast Asia, the primary habitat for cane sugar. Transferred during the era of Muslim conquest to the Arab world and the Mediterranean, including Sicily and Andalusia, European colonists and then transferred to the New World.
The cultivation of sugar cane fields, a place for many creatures, including sugar cane, frog poison experienced by Australia since the two brought in 1935 from the islands of Hawaii to eliminate the spiders that invade the sugar cane fields in the north of Australia and affect the product of the fields, causing significant losses
Of folk customs in some countries that grow sugar cane, including Morocco, Egypt, usually sucking sugar cane, which has nutritional benefits and health of the throat in the treatment of inflammation.
Often, farmers are going through as they seek Boutraiqam suck sugar cane stalks, and in the cities of Egypt, the shops are scattered afternoon cane striking.
Extracted from many of the products of which (alcohol - sugar - paper) As for the sugar produced from sugar cane is one of the finest species, need cane Alskraly land of mud and black heavy and rich silt usually be in Upper Egypt has been the work of factories based on sugar cane Nag Hammadi in the earliest cities and also the level of the largest industrial cities.
[Scientific classification]
Namespace: eukaryotesKingdom: PlantsDivision: seed dispersalCommunity: Ahadiat falaqaTitle: Cereal PoalesFamily: Poaceae grassyFamily: PanicoideaeTribe: AndropogoneaeGender: sugar cane Saccharum
[Habitat and proliferation]
The South and Southeast Asia, the primary habitat for cane sugar. Transferred during the era of Muslim conquest to the Arab world and the Mediterranean, including Sicily and Andalusia, European colonists and then transferred to the New World.
The cultivation of sugar cane fields, a place for many creatures, including sugar cane, frog poison experienced by Australia since the two brought in 1935 from the islands of Hawaii to eliminate the spiders that invade the sugar cane fields in the north of Australia and affect the product of the fields, causing significant losses
Of folk customs in some countries that grow sugar cane, including Morocco, Egypt, usually sucking sugar cane, which has nutritional benefits and health of the throat in the treatment of inflammation.
Often, farmers are going through as they seek Boutraiqam suck sugar cane stalks, and in the cities of Egypt, the shops are scattered afternoon cane striking.
Extracted from many of the products of which (alcohol - sugar - paper) As for the sugar produced from sugar cane is one of the finest species, need cane Alskraly land of mud and black heavy and rich silt usually be in Upper Egypt has been the work of factories based on sugar cane Nag Hammadi in the earliest cities and also the level of the largest industrial cities.
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