Things will disappear in the future
1:45 PM // 0 comments // blog M Z // Category: Information //Things will disappear in the future
Probably did not expect those things to disappear from your life but the development of technology needs to the disappearance of old things to give an opportunity for modern inventions to spread.
Post office Get ready for the disappearance of post offices that may no longer notice activity have, at the present time, as a result of the financial crisis suffered by most of the bodies of the mail and the emergence of e-mail services and courier services like FedEx, which he spent the rest of the profits needed by those offices to remain in operation.

Check Working Britons now to get rid of a system of checks by the year 2018, which cost the financial system have billions of pounds sterling per year to deal with, and will contribute to a credit card and financial transfers over the Internet in the disappearance of checks as well as the disappearance of post offices which had been giving service remittances.

Newspaper paper New generations no longer read newspapers or shared by suggesting that the newspapers on their way to extinction, and the newspapers online With the increased use of Internet mobile phone and e-reader has an alliance publishers of newspapers, magazines, and agreed with the companies, Apple, Amazon and mobile phone companies to build a model electronic newspapers are to pay for a financial participation of in services.

Paper books You may think you can not dispense with paper books, but with the low cost of e-books in half and easily learn the names of library books online and read the parts of these books may make you change your mind with ease of use of e-reader and touch-flipping images.

Landline If your family were not great and many local calls you do not need the phone line to the ground, especially with easy access to a mobile phone line, and even have a landline is typically keep it because it has no appearance by the mobile phone.

Music The music industry slowly dying not only because of the download is not legal but also the lack of creativity to get the kinds of new music and give it a chance, by companies music industry to reach the public, as well as the music is familiar to people who represent the purchases of more than 40% and to find out more about it you can watch the documentary film Before the Music Dies.

TV Decreased revenues networks television channels significantly, not only because of the economy, but everyone was watching the channels and movies over the Internet with the possibility of the work of many of the things at the time was devoted to watching television, which decreased the number of peak hours for watching to less points, as well as the terrifying growth of prices of satellite TV subscriptions and terrible increase in the number of ads displayed.

Objects owned by Many of the things you owned may not become so in the future as a result of a system of "grid computing" Currently there Pkmpiotrk hard drive him pictures, movies, music, files and store the drivers on the CD, can be used in the preparation of your work but all that will change, companies are computer such as Apple Microsoft and Google is working to end the operating systems of new Internet-based so that all the files kept on the servers, the Internet and therefore there will be no need for hard drives, but you will be able to access Ohiaúk from any other device may seem great news, but the problem is that all your data may disappear once If those servers were to fail.

Privacy Is perhaps the privacy of the things we have lost already if you notice Vkamirat control spread in the streets and buildings, even in your PC and your mobile phone has become your place always known thanks to the technology of GPS and Google Street View, as well as all your habits and hobbies became known thanks to social networking sites. .
Check Working Britons now to get rid of a system of checks by the year 2018, which cost the financial system have billions of pounds sterling per year to deal with, and will contribute to a credit card and financial transfers over the Internet in the disappearance of checks as well as the disappearance of post offices which had been giving service remittances.
Newspaper paper New generations no longer read newspapers or shared by suggesting that the newspapers on their way to extinction, and the newspapers online With the increased use of Internet mobile phone and e-reader has an alliance publishers of newspapers, magazines, and agreed with the companies, Apple, Amazon and mobile phone companies to build a model electronic newspapers are to pay for a financial participation of in services.
Paper books You may think you can not dispense with paper books, but with the low cost of e-books in half and easily learn the names of library books online and read the parts of these books may make you change your mind with ease of use of e-reader and touch-flipping images.
Landline If your family were not great and many local calls you do not need the phone line to the ground, especially with easy access to a mobile phone line, and even have a landline is typically keep it because it has no appearance by the mobile phone.
Music The music industry slowly dying not only because of the download is not legal but also the lack of creativity to get the kinds of new music and give it a chance, by companies music industry to reach the public, as well as the music is familiar to people who represent the purchases of more than 40% and to find out more about it you can watch the documentary film Before the Music Dies.
TV Decreased revenues networks television channels significantly, not only because of the economy, but everyone was watching the channels and movies over the Internet with the possibility of the work of many of the things at the time was devoted to watching television, which decreased the number of peak hours for watching to less points, as well as the terrifying growth of prices of satellite TV subscriptions and terrible increase in the number of ads displayed.
Objects owned by Many of the things you owned may not become so in the future as a result of a system of "grid computing" Currently there Pkmpiotrk hard drive him pictures, movies, music, files and store the drivers on the CD, can be used in the preparation of your work but all that will change, companies are computer such as Apple Microsoft and Google is working to end the operating systems of new Internet-based so that all the files kept on the servers, the Internet and therefore there will be no need for hard drives, but you will be able to access Ohiaúk from any other device may seem great news, but the problem is that all your data may disappear once If those servers were to fail.
Privacy Is perhaps the privacy of the things we have lost already if you notice Vkamirat control spread in the streets and buildings, even in your PC and your mobile phone has become your place always known thanks to the technology of GPS and Google Street View, as well as all your habits and hobbies became known thanks to social networking sites. .
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