A New Look at the Sulfur Cycle 0
12:45 AMA New Look at the Sulfur Cycle
Epifluorescence micrograph of sulfate reducing bacterium, DMSS1. Image Credit: Shuhei Ono
The record of Earth’s sulfur cycle preserved in sedimentary rocks is commonly used to track the evolution of microbial sulfur metabolisms and levels of atmospheric oxygen throughout geologic history. Sulfur isotope evidence suggests the Earth’s atmospheric oxygen appeared about 2.4 billion years ago, but its level remained rather low until about 650 million years ago.
New studies by NASA Astrobiology Institute scientists have questioned the extent to which the record of the sulfur cycle reflects the oxygenation. The team has demonstrated that a laboratory culture of a marine sulfate-reducing bacterium can produce sulfur isotope signatures beyond the threshold previously used to define the boundaries for different sulfur metabolisms. This finding suggests that oxygenation is not the only mechanism that can explain similar signatures in modern and ancient sediments. The team’s paper was published in the July 1 issue of Sciencehttp://astrobiology.nasa.gov/articles/a-new-look-at-the-sulfur-cycle/
Seminar Detail
Star and Planet Formation
Presenter: John Bally ()
May 19, 2003 12:00 AM Pacific
Presenter: John Bally ()
May 19, 2003 12:00 AM Pacific
How common are habitable planets in the Universe? We can seek an answer by
searching for planets around other stars, or by probing the conditions in
which planets form. I will review the second approach. Planets are a
direct by-product of the star-formation process. The majority (~90%) of
stars in the sky form in giant molecular clouds along with luminous,
short-lived, but highly destructive massive stars. In these environments,
proto-planetary disks are subjected to collisions, harsh radiation fields,
powerful winds, and explosions. Thus, potential planet forming disks may be
short lived. The Hubble Space Telescope has provided direct evidence for
rapid disk destruction in the Orion Nebula. These observations imply that
either planets form very rapidly, or that planetary systems will be
relatively rare. I will review our understanding of star and planet
formation with an emphasis on recent observational results.
searching for planets around other stars, or by probing the conditions in
which planets form. I will review the second approach. Planets are a
direct by-product of the star-formation process. The majority (~90%) of
stars in the sky form in giant molecular clouds along with luminous,
short-lived, but highly destructive massive stars. In these environments,
proto-planetary disks are subjected to collisions, harsh radiation fields,
powerful winds, and explosions. Thus, potential planet forming disks may be
short lived. The Hubble Space Telescope has provided direct evidence for
rapid disk destruction in the Orion Nebula. These observations imply that
either planets form very rapidly, or that planetary systems will be
relatively rare. I will review our understanding of star and planet
formation with an emphasis on recent observational results.
Participation Instructions
Nature's World
At Nature's World we aim to provide you with more than just a visit to the uk's pioneering eco-experience, our plan is to provide you with information, education, ideas and an inspiration for looking after the environment. Since opening in 1992, Nature's World has evolved into a thriving visitor attraction, training centre and educational facility for the whole of the local and wider community. As part of on-going re-development plan, we have spent over £500,000 over the past 6 months further enhancing the site and adding lots of new exhibits and features for everyone to enjoy - These include new informative signage, family trails, solar powered talking posts, educational play parks, a giant bank-side slide, an interactive sustainability challenge, 2020 future world, the race to recycle and much much more! By using sustainable practices, such as renewable energy and recycling, we have created a 25-acre peaceful rural haven on the edge of urban Middlesbrough. Nature's World has evolved into a thriving visitor attraction, training centre and education facility for the whole of the local and wider community including schools, the unemployed and disabled. With on-site tearooms serving both hot and cold food & drink, ample free car parking and so much to see and do why not come and experience the beauty of Nature's World for yourself.
Ravens differentiate between friend and foe

Recent American study revealed that the crows have an excellent memory which can remember the person who posed a threat and warn them, some of it.
The Web site, "Discovery News" that U.S. researchers at the University of "Washington," and found that the crows can distinguish between friendly face and the other dangerous, and warn each other of the face so serious. It turns out that these birds as smart Cbembanzi, remember the face of a threat to at least five years.
The researcher John Marzlow responsible for the study, the study showed that the little crows to faces serious may continue at least 5 years ", adding that the crows that live between 15 and 40 years, you may remember the links to the task that formed during the most years of her life, according to their two" time ".
A team of researchers to expose the crows in question to "the grave" by wearing masks during the capture the birds and then launch in 5 different locations.
After 5 years, researchers found a large hostile reaction by the birds in the area on the mask which he had dressed, explains that the birds had warned some of it.
Recent American study revealed that the crows have an excellent memory which can remember the person who posed a threat and warn them, some of it.
The Web site, "Discovery News" that U.S. researchers at the University of "Washington," and found that the crows can distinguish between friendly face and the other dangerous, and warn each other of the face so serious. It turns out that these birds as smart Cbembanzi, remember the face of a threat to at least five years.
The researcher John Marzlow responsible for the study, the study showed that the little crows to faces serious may continue at least 5 years ", adding that the crows that live between 15 and 40 years, you may remember the links to the task that formed during the most years of her life, according to their two" time ".
A team of researchers to expose the crows in question to "the grave" by wearing masks during the capture the birds and then launch in 5 different locations.
After 5 years, researchers found a large hostile reaction by the birds in the area on the mask which he had dressed, explains that the birds had warned some of it.
MinkOtter species of weasels live near the water, and spends most of his time where Sabha. And animals, otters skilled in swimming and diving, and can stay under water for three or four minutes straight.
These animals live in all continents, except Australia and Antarctica. And weighing between 4.5 and 15 kg, and ranging in length between 1 and 1.5 m, including the tail. The length of the giant otter, who lives in South America to two meters. Mink live along the banks of rivers or springs, or lakes.
Deals with the otter things by his claws. It holds and plays professionally with stones and small shellfish. And some types of otter African and Asian countries can use the fingers of his feet Kosaba normal because only a small tissue between the fingers of his feet.Fed animals Bgrad sea otters, fish and cancer, despite its ability to capture fast-moving river fish Kasmk trout fish they often Matstad slow motion. The otters also eat frogs, insects and shellfish, snails, snakes and sometimes waterfowl.
Adopt most of the animals, otters homes in burrows on the banks of the river or under a series of rocks, or in deceptive abandoned for other animals. And give birth to female otters Groan at a time, and be young, called Taatavel (from) blind at birth.Puppies can not even swim at the age of several months.This type is threatened with extinction because the population they Basttiyadha for fur
These animals live in all continents, except Australia and Antarctica. And weighing between 4.5 and 15 kg, and ranging in length between 1 and 1.5 m, including the tail. The length of the giant otter, who lives in South America to two meters. Mink live along the banks of rivers or springs, or lakes.
Deals with the otter things by his claws. It holds and plays professionally with stones and small shellfish. And some types of otter African and Asian countries can use the fingers of his feet Kosaba normal because only a small tissue between the fingers of his feet.Fed animals Bgrad sea otters, fish and cancer, despite its ability to capture fast-moving river fish Kasmk trout fish they often Matstad slow motion. The otters also eat frogs, insects and shellfish, snails, snakes and sometimes waterfowl.
Adopt most of the animals, otters homes in burrows on the banks of the river or under a series of rocks, or in deceptive abandoned for other animals. And give birth to female otters Groan at a time, and be young, called Taatavel (from) blind at birth.Puppies can not even swim at the age of several months.This type is threatened with extinction because the population they Basttiyadha for fur
Ovibos moschatus
[Scientific classification]
Kingdom: Animal
Division: Chordata
Grade: mammals
Rank: Hfieat fingers
Family: bovids
Subfamily: Caprinae
Gender: Ovibos
Blainville, 1816
Type: O. moschatus
Musk ox is known scientifically as Ovibos moschatus, a mammal of the family of bovids and rank Artiodactyla exist in Greenland and northern parts of the arid North America. A large animal head, short neck, two horns Aarban at the base Anhanian up the length of his head and body about 250 cm, and height of the shoulder around 150 cm, and weighs about 300 kg, his coat thick and long, color dark brown, called the musk ox as it is characterized by smell Almskih. This animal is active during the day, and live in herds led by a male and one or more of the dominant male, fed Sindr summer leaves and willow short while the algae is fed in winter and gray hair old man, and roots.
Sugar cane plant genus of grassy species, comprising six to 37 species (the number varies according to the taxonomic system used). A tropical plant, which is the main source for the extraction of sugar, while the other source is sugar beet. Requires the cultivation of fertile land, water and many remain in the ground for a whole year, and the sugar factories in the center of the sugar cane fields. Used the remains of the reeds after his time in the manufacture of alcohol.
[Scientific classification]
Namespace: eukaryotesKingdom: PlantsDivision: seed dispersalCommunity: Ahadiat falaqaTitle: Cereal PoalesFamily: Poaceae grassyFamily: PanicoideaeTribe: AndropogoneaeGender: sugar cane Saccharum
[Habitat and proliferation]
The South and Southeast Asia, the primary habitat for cane sugar. Transferred during the era of Muslim conquest to the Arab world and the Mediterranean, including Sicily and Andalusia, European colonists and then transferred to the New World.
The cultivation of sugar cane fields, a place for many creatures, including sugar cane, frog poison experienced by Australia since the two brought in 1935 from the islands of Hawaii to eliminate the spiders that invade the sugar cane fields in the north of Australia and affect the product of the fields, causing significant losses
Of folk customs in some countries that grow sugar cane, including Morocco, Egypt, usually sucking sugar cane, which has nutritional benefits and health of the throat in the treatment of inflammation.
Often, farmers are going through as they seek Boutraiqam suck sugar cane stalks, and in the cities of Egypt, the shops are scattered afternoon cane striking.
Extracted from many of the products of which (alcohol - sugar - paper) As for the sugar produced from sugar cane is one of the finest species, need cane Alskraly land of mud and black heavy and rich silt usually be in Upper Egypt has been the work of factories based on sugar cane Nag Hammadi in the earliest cities and also the level of the largest industrial cities.
[Scientific classification]
Namespace: eukaryotesKingdom: PlantsDivision: seed dispersalCommunity: Ahadiat falaqaTitle: Cereal PoalesFamily: Poaceae grassyFamily: PanicoideaeTribe: AndropogoneaeGender: sugar cane Saccharum
[Habitat and proliferation]
The South and Southeast Asia, the primary habitat for cane sugar. Transferred during the era of Muslim conquest to the Arab world and the Mediterranean, including Sicily and Andalusia, European colonists and then transferred to the New World.
The cultivation of sugar cane fields, a place for many creatures, including sugar cane, frog poison experienced by Australia since the two brought in 1935 from the islands of Hawaii to eliminate the spiders that invade the sugar cane fields in the north of Australia and affect the product of the fields, causing significant losses
Of folk customs in some countries that grow sugar cane, including Morocco, Egypt, usually sucking sugar cane, which has nutritional benefits and health of the throat in the treatment of inflammation.
Often, farmers are going through as they seek Boutraiqam suck sugar cane stalks, and in the cities of Egypt, the shops are scattered afternoon cane striking.
Extracted from many of the products of which (alcohol - sugar - paper) As for the sugar produced from sugar cane is one of the finest species, need cane Alskraly land of mud and black heavy and rich silt usually be in Upper Egypt has been the work of factories based on sugar cane Nag Hammadi in the earliest cities and also the level of the largest industrial cities.
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