Ravens differentiate between friend and foe
1:56 PM // 0 comments // blog M Z // Category: Information //Ravens differentiate between friend and foe

Recent American study revealed that the crows have an excellent memory which can remember the person who posed a threat and warn them, some of it.
The Web site, "Discovery News" that U.S. researchers at the University of "Washington," and found that the crows can distinguish between friendly face and the other dangerous, and warn each other of the face so serious. It turns out that these birds as smart Cbembanzi, remember the face of a threat to at least five years.
The researcher John Marzlow responsible for the study, the study showed that the little crows to faces serious may continue at least 5 years ", adding that the crows that live between 15 and 40 years, you may remember the links to the task that formed during the most years of her life, according to their two" time ".
A team of researchers to expose the crows in question to "the grave" by wearing masks during the capture the birds and then launch in 5 different locations.
After 5 years, researchers found a large hostile reaction by the birds in the area on the mask which he had dressed, explains that the birds had warned some of it.
Recent American study revealed that the crows have an excellent memory which can remember the person who posed a threat and warn them, some of it.
The Web site, "Discovery News" that U.S. researchers at the University of "Washington," and found that the crows can distinguish between friendly face and the other dangerous, and warn each other of the face so serious. It turns out that these birds as smart Cbembanzi, remember the face of a threat to at least five years.
The researcher John Marzlow responsible for the study, the study showed that the little crows to faces serious may continue at least 5 years ", adding that the crows that live between 15 and 40 years, you may remember the links to the task that formed during the most years of her life, according to their two" time ".
A team of researchers to expose the crows in question to "the grave" by wearing masks during the capture the birds and then launch in 5 different locations.
After 5 years, researchers found a large hostile reaction by the birds in the area on the mask which he had dressed, explains that the birds had warned some of it.
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