1:55 PM // 0 comments // blog M Z // Category: Information //MinkOtter species of weasels live near the water, and spends most of his time where Sabha. And animals, otters skilled in swimming and diving, and can stay under water for three or four minutes straight.
These animals live in all continents, except Australia and Antarctica. And weighing between 4.5 and 15 kg, and ranging in length between 1 and 1.5 m, including the tail. The length of the giant otter, who lives in South America to two meters. Mink live along the banks of rivers or springs, or lakes.
Deals with the otter things by his claws. It holds and plays professionally with stones and small shellfish. And some types of otter African and Asian countries can use the fingers of his feet Kosaba normal because only a small tissue between the fingers of his feet.Fed animals Bgrad sea otters, fish and cancer, despite its ability to capture fast-moving river fish Kasmk trout fish they often Matstad slow motion. The otters also eat frogs, insects and shellfish, snails, snakes and sometimes waterfowl.
Adopt most of the animals, otters homes in burrows on the banks of the river or under a series of rocks, or in deceptive abandoned for other animals. And give birth to female otters Groan at a time, and be young, called Taatavel (from) blind at birth.Puppies can not even swim at the age of several months.This type is threatened with extinction because the population they Basttiyadha for fur
These animals live in all continents, except Australia and Antarctica. And weighing between 4.5 and 15 kg, and ranging in length between 1 and 1.5 m, including the tail. The length of the giant otter, who lives in South America to two meters. Mink live along the banks of rivers or springs, or lakes.
Deals with the otter things by his claws. It holds and plays professionally with stones and small shellfish. And some types of otter African and Asian countries can use the fingers of his feet Kosaba normal because only a small tissue between the fingers of his feet.Fed animals Bgrad sea otters, fish and cancer, despite its ability to capture fast-moving river fish Kasmk trout fish they often Matstad slow motion. The otters also eat frogs, insects and shellfish, snails, snakes and sometimes waterfowl.
Adopt most of the animals, otters homes in burrows on the banks of the river or under a series of rocks, or in deceptive abandoned for other animals. And give birth to female otters Groan at a time, and be young, called Taatavel (from) blind at birth.Puppies can not even swim at the age of several months.This type is threatened with extinction because the population they Basttiyadha for fur
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